This is an Admin function. If you do not have admin permissions, you will either need to redirect this task to the admin for your company or request the admin gives ComplyNet Support Team the approval to add admin rights to your account.
→ Start by clicking Manager Users found on the left hand side of your screen.
→ To locate the desired user, make use of the Search feature within the Manage Users page.
→ Select the profile of the desired user to access a pop-up window containing the user's information.
→ The pop-up window will resemble the example provided below.
→ Click the Edit tab at the top left of the user panel.
→ You will see options for Location, Department, and Job Role.
→ You should notice a drop down option for the Department.
→ Click on the current department to access a drop-down panel displaying all the existing departments within your company.
→ Click on the new desired department.
→ Once the department has been changed, you'll notice that the Job Role column becomes blank. In order to proceed, you'll need to assign the user a new Job Role from within the department they have been moved to.
→ Choose the appropriate Job Role by clicking on the down arrow. This will display all the available options for Job Roles within the department where the user has been moved.
→ Once you have successfully updated the Department and Job Role, you can implement these modifications by clicking on the "Save Changes" button.