How do I pull a report for training progress?

Supervisors and above have the ability to pull up information on incomplete, complete, past due, or due soon trainings for users.

Note: If you do not have access to the necessary permissions to complete this task, we recommend reaching out to your supervisor or company administrator for assistance.


→ Begin by accessing your dashboard. This is the initial screen that will greet you upon logging in.

→ Select the dark blue bar that matches the desired location. This bar represents the progress of training for that specific location. 


→ You will be presented with a screen displaying various filters that can be edited according to your preferences.


→ Change the filter option to the desired department in order to extract data for that specific department.


→ To filter by different status options, click on the box that states "Incomplete." From there, you can select from a variety of status options including all status, complete, incomplete, past due, and due soon. 


→ Click on Apply Filters to view all incomplete training courses for that location.


→ To download the report into excel, click on the down arrow which can be location next to "Training".


Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to access and filter incomplete training and download this data as a report. Please refer to the video demonstration below for further guidance.



If you have any further inquiries or need additional assistance with this topic, please don't hesitate to contact