How do I change my password?

Follow this simple step-by-step article to learn how to reset your own password.



→ To begin, locate your name in the top left corner of the screen once you have logged in. Simply click on it to unveil a dropdown menu of available options.

→ Choose "Account Settings" from the available options in the dropdown menu. This will direct you to a new page.


→ Once under your account settings, click  "Change your password" to access a new page where you can make the desired modifications.


→ On the following page, you will be prompted to enter the required information. Begin by inputting your current password, followed by specifying your desired new password.


→ After completing all the necessary options, click on the "Change Password" button.


→ A confirmation message will be displayed, indicating that your password has been successfully changed.


Now that you have successfully changed your password under account settings, feel free to contact if you have any additional questions or concerns. They are always ready to assist you.