How do I access my assessments?

You have assessments, but don't know how to take them? let us help you with this step-by-step walkthrough and video demonstration.

→ To begin, please log in to


→ To proceed, access the My Assigned page located on the left side of your screen after logging in. Depending on your permission levels, you may observe various options in this panel, but the My Assigned tab will remain consistent. We have included both views for enhanced convenience.

→ Once you have accessed the My Assigned page, you will find that your screen will resemble the example below. By default, you will be directed to your training page. Take note that there are other options available for possible actions.


→ Proceed to the Assessments option.


→ You will be able to view any pending assessments that require your attention. You can then proceed to address any unanswered questions.  Your progress will automatically be saved as you select your answers.

Well done! You have successfully learned how to locate, view, and complete your assessments. To further enhance your understanding, please see the video demonstration below.


If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team at They will be more than happy to help you with any queries or concerns you may have.